

This test measures your cortisol levels at 3 separate times within a single day. Collect each of your saliva samples on the same day and within the time ranges specified on each tube.

Do not eat or drink (including water) 30 min before collecting saliva. This may dilute or contaminate your sample.

Collect Samples

1. Prepare

Start with the Morning collection tube.

Fill out the collection tube with your name, today's date, and the time of your collection. This time should be within the time window specified.

Twist off the cap to open the tube.

2. Add saliva to the fill line

Hold the tube up to your lips, and purse your lips to gently guide saliva into the opening of the tube.

Keep adding saliva until you’ve reached the fill line. There will be bubbles. These do not count.

3. Seal the tube and repeat

Tightly recap the collection tube and place it into the barcoded biohazard bag.

Repeat these three steps for the Midday and Night time points.


Return your sample

Place the barcoded biohazard bag into the prepaid return mailer.

Mail the following day.